Voluntary classified per title and not by author, in order to facilitate a thematic research
- Apple, le secret d’une incroyable Réussite, Ken Segall, First, 2012
- Bonnes Nouvelles des Conspirateurs du futur, Michel Godet, Odile Jacob, 2011
- Built to Last, 2002, Good To Great, Jim Collins, Harper, 2001
- Chaotics, The Business of Managing Marketing in the Age of Turbulence, P. Kotler, AMACOM, 2009
- Creative Approaches to Problem Solving, a Framework for Innovation and Change, S.G. Isaksen, Sage, 2011
- Developing Innovative Organizations, A roadmap to boost your innovation potential, B. Gailly, Palgrave, 2011
- Du Désir au plaisir de Changer, Le coaching du changement, F. Kourilsky, Dunod, 2008
- Emotional Intelligence at Work, Hendrie Weisinger, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998
- La Géopolitique de l’Emotion, Comment les cultures de peur, d’humiliation et d’espoir façonnent le monde,
- Moïsi, Flammarion, 2008
- L’Art de Diriger, Robert Papin, Dunod, 2002
- Leading Change, John P.Kotter, Harvard Business School, 1996
- Lean Thinking, Banish waste & Create wealth in your corporation, J.P. Womack, Simon & Schuster,2003
- Learning to Change, A Guide for Organization Change Agents, Léon de Caluwé, Sage Publications, 2003
- Le Bonheur d’Entreprendre, de Novotel à Accor: une formidable aventure humaine, JP Bozek, Eyrolles, 2011
- Le DRH Stratège, Yves Réale, Eyrolles ,2009
- Le Plus Management, Ame de Leader, Esprit de Manager, P. Dubrule, G. Pélisson, Maxima, 1991
- Les Nouveaux Défis du Manager Public, Conduire le changement, maitriser la gestion, dynamiser le territoire, H Mahé de Boislandelle, L’Harmattan, 2009
- Libérer l’innovation dans les Territoires, M. Godet, La documentation Française, 2010
- Making Decisions in a Changing World, Ingemar Dierickx, INSEAD
- Management et Gestion des Organisations, P. Charpentier, Armand Colin, 2007
- Managing Innovation, Integrating technological, market and organizational change, Joe Tidd, John Wiley, 2006
- Manager par l’Approche Systémique, D. Bériot, Eyrolles, 2006
- Meeting the Innovation Challenge, Leadership to Transformation & Growth, S.Isaksen J. Tidd, Wiley, 2006
- Neurosciences et Management, Le pouvoir de changer, B. Lecerf –Thomas, Eyrolles, 2009
- Organizational Behavior, D. Hellriegel, Thomson learning, 2004
- Organize with Chaos, R. Rowley & Dr. J. Roevens, Universitas, 1996
- Petits deuils en entreprise, J. A. Malarewicz, Pearson, 2011
- Piloter et Réussir l’Innovation en Entreprise, Philippe Lê, Maxima, 2007
- Réussir le Défi du Changement, B. Warnez, J. Dillon, Expertises, 2009
- Riding the Waves of Culture, Understanding cultural diversity in business, F. Trompenaars, N. Brealey, 1997
- Six Thinking Hats, Edward De Bono, Back Bay Book, 1999
- SOQ®, Isaksen, S. G. & Ekvall, G., Creative Problem Solving Group,” International Center for Studies in Creativity”, Buffalo State, State University of New York
- Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, C. Heath and D. Heath, Broadway Books, 2010
- Systémique et Entreprise, Mettre en Œuvre une Stratégie de Changement, J-A. Malarewicz, Pearson, 2008
- Temps des Crises, Michel Serres, Manifestes, le Pommier, 2009
- The Extended Disc® Model, a Feed Forward Process to Create Positive, Long Term Change in Leadership Behavior, Markku Kauppinen
- The Heart of Change , Tools and Tactics for Leading Change in your Organization, Dan S. Cohen , Harvard Business School, 2005
- The Horizontal Organization, What the Organization of the Future Actually Looks Like and How it Delivers Value to Customers ,F. Ostroff, Oxford University, 2000
- Think Better, An Innovator’s Guide to Productive Thinking, Tim Hurson, Mc GrawHill, 2008
- Thinking Course, Powerful Tools to Transform Your Thinking , Edward De Bono, BBC Active, 2009
- Thinkertoys, a Handbook of Creative –Thinking Techniques, Michael Michalko, Ten Speed Press, 2006
- The Innovator’s Toolkit, D. Silverstein, Wiley, 2009
- The Unwritten Rules of the Game, Peter Scott-Morgan, Mc Grew Hill, 1994
- Une nouvelle conscience pour un monde en crise, Vers une civilisation de l’empathie, J. Rifkin, LLL, 2011
- Verandermanagement, Henk Kleyn, Saxion Hogescholen ,Pearson, 2009
- Zacht Veranderen, Rogier Guns, Management algemeen,2009
- Genia Experts
- Creative Problem Solving Group
- Brussels Enterprise Agency
- Systèmes et Organisations